Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let's face it, I have been neglecting this blog FOR YEARS! There are only so many jokes one can make inserting the word blog for bodily functions or bad 80's commercials or sexual positions. To be fair, I did name this blog, "Blogjob", hey just put your lips together and blog (see I did it again), so I think I have had some license to do this. But, the creative juices on that front have dried up like the once mighty Aral Sea.

So, we start anew. I have the time since, I must confess my dear Blogjob (copyright pending) readers (which I believe is no one), I am unemployed (sshhhh, don't let anyone hear, lest they catch it). If you aren't aware, this unemployment thing is going around and it's worse then HPV, Chlamydia and the dreaded genital Clerpes (i.e. part Herpes part the Clap), combined. What this means to me, and maybe you, is that I can listen to bad French techno (as I am now) in my boxer shorts (as I am now) while petting the dog (as I am now) and eating cereal (...) at 11:00 in the morning on a Tuesday. Maybe I'll have lunch by 3:00, who knows?

If I get around to it, I might just blog every day. I've got nothing to do and an expensive Macintosh computer to do it on. The dog doesn't seem to care anyway.

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